Chiropractic Care
What is Chiropractic Care?
Chiropractic is a primary health care profession that specialises in the diagnosis, treatment and overall management of conditions that are due to problems with the joints, ligaments, tendons and nerves of the body, particularly those of the spine. Treatment consists of a wide range of manipulative, mobilisation and soft tissue techniques designed to improve the function of the joints relieving pain and muscle spasm.
As Chiropractors we support the treatment we offer with individual advice about the patient’s lifestyle, work and exercise, in order to help in managing the condition and preventing a recurrence of the problem.
Chiropractic does not involve the use of any drugs or surgery.

Back Pain Care
Almost everyone gets back pain at some point, but staying active with the help of Chiropractic care may be a good solution.
Poor posture may lead to back pain. Your Chiropractor may advise postural changes in particular if you:
- spend hours sitting at a desk or computer
- slouch in front of the TV
- sleep in a bed that is too hard or soft
- find yourself hunching your back and shoulders in stressful situations
Repeating daily activities such as bending and lifting may result in back pain.
Chiropractic care treats the cause of your pain, not just the pain itself. At your appointment with one of our Chiropractors a full examination and case history will be carried out. Questions will be asked about your posture, medical history and lifestyle to try and find out the cause of your back pain.
NICE (2009) Guidelines for the treatment of low back pain suggest that spinal manipulation, such as that offered by our Chiropractors, may be effective in helping back pain.

Chiropractic Care for Children
Village Chiropractic Clinic has baby changing facilities and is very child friendly. We have plenty of toys to help to keep your little one busy. The clinic is on the ground floor with no stairs. You are welcome to use our free car park which is situated immediately outside the building. The clinic is breastfeeding friendly and caregivers are welcome to feed their baby in any area of the clinic. Our chiropractor has extensive clinical experience in paediatrics and has a special interest in working with babies and children.

As part of your chiropractic care you may be offered home or in clinic rehabilitation exercises as part of your care plan. Many patients benefit and report improvement with exercise-based care; exercises can also support you with pain management, improvement in stability and proprioception and prevention of reoccurrence of symptoms. Exercises may be taught in clinic as part of your treatment visit, be sent by email or supervised virtually. Current research supports our usage of exercise based care in the management of your musculoskeletal complaint.

“I’ve been visiting the clinic for about four years to help relieve a serious back problem. Mobility and pain are much improved, highly recommend!” – Mr H.
“I was in extreme pain with my back when I came to see Jenny, now I can do most things. They really looked after me. I would recommend them to anyone.” – Mr A.